Harvest Moon: Video e intervista al creatore
E' stato rilasciato un video di Harvest Moon Wii prodotto da Natsume in esclusiva per la home console Nintendo, per visionarlo cliccate sull' immagine sottostante.

L' utente Virtual Boy ci ha poi segnalato un intervista nella quale Yashuiro Wada, il creatore della serie simulativa agreste, espone i suoi pensieri in merito al futuro del Wii e ai suoi concorrenti.
Secondo Mr. Wada Nintendo dovrà faticare molto per imporsi come alternativa alla ps3 e al X360(nonchè allo stesso DS!), e la supremazia della console N dovrebbe attuarsi grazie a titoli originali e dall' innovativo gameplay piuttosto che con wiimake e con un immediato price drop; ecco l' originale in inglese!
It’s very difficult. Wii cannot really compete against PS3 or 360, which is why Wii’s main competitor right now is DS. They are competing on the same level. So, Nintendo has to work harder to make Wii’s own market, as opposed to competing against DS’s market. This would be my first piece of advice to Nintendo.
Wii Sports is the only game that can be ONLY played on Wii, not on any other console. So future games plans such as Brain Training on Wii or that type of thing – I don’t think this is such a great idea – as these games are already being played and are very popular on DS… they are not specific to the Wii.
The third piece of advice I would give them would be to reduce the price of the DS! [compared to price of Wii] That’s my main bit of advice. I think they can do it. The made a decision on pricing and they went for a higher price. If they want to reduce the price they can. - Yasuhiro Wada, Harvest Moon creator
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