
- No More Heroes più violento di Manhunt 2? -

Suda 51, creatore del famosissimo Killer 7 e del prossimo No More Heroes in esclusiva su Wii, oltre a far le lodi al supporto Nintendo agli sviluppatori ci avverte che il titolo in questione potrebbe rivelarsi più violento addirittura di ManHunt 2 sviluppato da Rockstar Game per Wii e Ps2. Per quanto non mi interessi la violenza, il gioco dal trailer e le foto sembra avere grande stile e conoscendo Suda e i suoi precedenti lavori, possiamo solo che dar ragione alle sue scelte. Il gioco è atteso entro la fine del 2007.

“I find Nintendo’s support to be very satisfying. Since GameCube was an ideal platform as a developer, I decided to develop a new game on Wii as well…No More Heroes is not an “on-rails”-style adventure game. It is a free running/roaming style action game. The title is set in a small fictional town called Santa Destroy, located on the US West Cost. Story missions (Killer ranking rounds) and submissions (money earnings) are scattered throughout the map. The game progresses after players choose missions.”

“No More Heroes is violent as well, but it is different from Killer 7…We prepared some missions besides the regular levels. For example, there are missions where players volunteer to pick up trash, a real boring part time job as a stamper, and an incomprehensible job like human bowling…(game will support 480p and Widescreen)…(regarding Wii hardware) I think that it is probably best to forget and abandon the existing game design know-how once you develop for Wii. I feel that Wii enables developers to create new types and styles of games.”

“We are tuning up No More Heroes to be simple and comfortable, but exciting and refreshing as a game. The game has a unique sense of humor and I hope fans will be excited about and look forward to it. ? I’ll also try my best to make No More Heroes as violent, or even more violent than Manhunt 2! “

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